Liar Liar

Edumacation No Comments »


Here are some ways you can tell if one of your co-workers is LYING TO YOU at work . . .   

liar-liar.jpg#1.)   NOSE TOUCHING.  There are certain tissues in the nose that actually fill up with blood when people lie . . . causing an itchy feeling.  Look to see if they touch their nose, but just make sure it isn’t because they have a cold or something. 

#2.)  TROUBLE SPEAKING.  When people trick themselves into pretending that a lie is actually true . . . their brain gets confused.  So when they lie, they take longer pauses and speak more slowly than normal.  They also use phrases like “um”, “er” and “ah”. 

#3.)  BODY LANGUAGE VS. WORDS.  People who lie sometimes give it away with their body language . . . like shaking their head “no” when they’re actually SAYING “yes”. 

#4.)  NECK RUBBING.  We rub our necks when we have stress over an obstacle that we think is too great to overcome.  If someone is lying their way out of a problem that they perceive to be of this magnitude, they might rub their neck as they tell their lie. 

#5.)  EYE RUBBING.  Eye rubs are ALSO an indicator of disbelief.  So if you’re talking to someone and they rub their eyes when they respond . . . it could mean they either disagree with you or don’t believe you. 

#6.)  UPWARD INFLECTIONS.  If someone is stating a fact to you with an upward inflection . . . that should be a red flag that they’re lying to you.

Respect Yo

Cool, Edumacation 1 Comment »


  • Pick up the tab. What? Buy respect? Of course not — you earn it by showing it as you scoop up the bill. To your potential father-in-law: “Your daughter and I would like to treat you.” On business: “Jim, it’s the least I can do.”
  • Try the sushi.
  • Never blunt the bad news.
  • Stay sober when no one would blame you for drinking.
  • Nail the toast.
  • Cook for 12.
  • Become what you told people you always wanted to be.
  • When some lemon- sucker asks, “Ugh, you actually like that book?” just reply — with unwavering eye contact — “Yes.”
  • Say no when no’s the answer. “We’ll see,” “I’ll have to get back to you on that,” and “I’m not 100 percent sure” are smoke screens for the man who’s afraid to disappoint.
  • Become multilingual. Could be Spanish. Could be the secret language of the internal combustion engine. Either way, it’s a life truth: A man with two tongues is a man in demand.
  • Risk being hated for doing the right thing.
  • Show patience with those who can’t do what you can.
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