Liar Liar

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Here are some ways you can tell if one of your co-workers is LYING TO YOU at work . . .   

liar-liar.jpg#1.)   NOSE TOUCHING.  There are certain tissues in the nose that actually fill up with blood when people lie . . . causing an itchy feeling.  Look to see if they touch their nose, but just make sure it isn’t because they have a cold or something. 

#2.)  TROUBLE SPEAKING.  When people trick themselves into pretending that a lie is actually true . . . their brain gets confused.  So when they lie, they take longer pauses and speak more slowly than normal.  They also use phrases like “um”, “er” and “ah”. 

#3.)  BODY LANGUAGE VS. WORDS.  People who lie sometimes give it away with their body language . . . like shaking their head “no” when they’re actually SAYING “yes”. 

#4.)  NECK RUBBING.  We rub our necks when we have stress over an obstacle that we think is too great to overcome.  If someone is lying their way out of a problem that they perceive to be of this magnitude, they might rub their neck as they tell their lie. 

#5.)  EYE RUBBING.  Eye rubs are ALSO an indicator of disbelief.  So if you’re talking to someone and they rub their eyes when they respond . . . it could mean they either disagree with you or don’t believe you. 

#6.)  UPWARD INFLECTIONS.  If someone is stating a fact to you with an upward inflection . . . that should be a red flag that they’re lying to you.

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