your edumacation

Edumacation 2 Comments »

Here’s some new words to add to your vocabulary courtesy of Urban Dictionary:

  • Alphaholic: 1) Someone who always wants to be the first to do something or the winner of some event; 2) A person who can text a message faster than they can dial a 10 digit phone number.
  • Aqualibrium: When using a water fountain, the point at which the water stream is at the perfect height to sip.
  • Mandaid: The manly form of a band-aid. It consists of a strip of duct tape and either a paper towel, napkin, or any absorbent cloth. The duct tape is then placed on any wound.
  • Nausty: Someone who is naughty combined with nasty.
  • Neighbornet: The neighbor’s wireless network (often used on vacation). Usually unencrypted and slow but great when yours goes down, or you need to do something questionable.
  • Ungoogable: 1) A way of not being part of the Google-able world; 2) Things that Google, i.e. the general world, can’t pick up or define the nature of.
  • Wikidemia: An academic work passed off as scholarly yet researched entirely on

Shout, Shout, let it all out

My Life No Comments »

Hey, if you want to comment, criticise, compliment, castigate (but not castrate!) me, here are some simple ways.

On-Air Phone Line: 403-239-X929


Mailing or Dropping Off Address: 6940 Fisher Rd. SE T2H 0W3


…or just come by the RV.

No Mullets. Ever. No Moustache Under 40.

Cool, Dating, Douche No Comments »

These are simple rules, with very few exceptions. The mullet hair cut is never cool, not even in an ironic way. The only exception is for hockey players, like Ryan Smyth of the Oil, who have had it for years. Like mandatory helmets, he’s grandfathered in this case. As for moustaches, if you’re under 40 years of age, you shouldn’t have one. They are ridiculous. Exceptions: Cops, gay guys, and guys in bands with super-ironic handlebar or fu manchu styles. I don’t know why cops often have moustaches, but you can’t fight tradition. The moustache seems to play a part in gay culture, and that’s cool too. The worst moustaches are those guys with young or babyfaces who grow a moustache cause they think it makes them look more mature. No. It makes you look more ridiculous.moustache.jpg

Assberta Guy

Cool, Strange 1 Comment »

Mike D came in to talk about his calendar. It’s basically a different landmark in Alberta for each month, with Mike standing naked, back to camera, in front of said landmark. It’s pretty funny. I’ll get some pics up later today. You can check out the website or e-mail Mike at


Gallery of Creepiness

My Life No Comments »

So I went to the launch of Triple-X Thursdays at Tequila Nightclub, and met some nice people:


Left Lane Hogs

Douche, Edumacation, My Life 2 Comments »

I talked about how there is no left lane discipline in Calgary, and that many drivers seem to be oblivious to the rule: keep left, unless passing. Here’s an example of a guy who just doesn’t get it:?

Josh,? ?The left lane is not “the passing lane”, it is not “the fast lane”.The rule is: ?Slower Traffic Keep Right.? That means slower than the speed limit.If a vehicle is in the left lane and travelling at the speed limit he has every right to do so.? If you want to go faster then you can pass on the right, a?manoeuvre that takes little or no imagination.If tail-gating someone who is travelling at or exceeding the speed limit in the left lane is a?symptom of the problem, then the problem is that you have s$%t for brains.My custom is to travel at ten kmh over the speed limit (when safe) because if you exceed that you get a speeding ticket.? If I move into the right lane I have to come down to a speed that is below? the speed limit because that is the speed the vehicles in that lane are doing.S%$t-for-brains who charge me from behind and tailgate and try to intimidate me into moving over are offering me two choices:? 1.? drive excessively fast and risk getting a ticket.? 2.? move into the right lane and travel slower than the speed limit.Neither of these choices is acceptable to me so f%*k off.? ?Colin??I appreciate Colin’s passion for the issue, but I disagree with most of what he says. The right lane is not for traffic that travels slower than the speed limit. It’s for drivers going slower than the flow of traffic. The left lane is the passing lane. Talk to any driver who is passionate about driving and knows the international rules of the road, and you’ll soon find out: keep right, except to pass.??I found a good website that explains the issue and the benefits pretty clearly:??Slower Traffic Keep Right

Weird Nine Inch Nails Phone Number…

Music, Strange 1 Comment »

216-333-1810. Scary stuff!!!

Here’s another odd website relating to the call.

This site has lots of up-to-the-minute information on all things NIN

Oh Hello

My Life 1 Comment »

Welcome to the?fancy new website. To answer your first question, no, I don’t look as creepy in person as I do in my website caricature. I’m creepy, but not that creepy. To answer your second question, yes, Josh Holliday is my actual name. Since birth. It’s actually Andrew Joshua Holliday, but my dad’s an Andrew too, so it’s always been Josh. Or Joshy, as my mom called me into my late teens. Yes it was embarassing. If you tune in regularly, you’ll know my mom is a part of the show, and still calls my dad “daddy.” Even though technically he’s not her daddy. If you have MySpace, feel free to add me.

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