Pet Peeves

Audio, My Life, Phonecall Add comments

angryguy.jpgToday I was talking about Pet Peeves, and soliciting yours. My main ones:

  • People talking, cell phoning and texting in movie theatres or at plays. Even checking the little glowing screen is annoying and douchey.
  • Slower drivers who won’t get out of the left (passing) lane
  • People in front of me at the bank machine who take for-effing-ever.

I was surprised by the volume of calls. I’ll have to make it a regular thing to let people vent. Feel free to add your beefs here. These are the calls:

Pet Peeve Callers

4 Responses to “Pet Peeves”

  1. Joel C Says:

    Groups of people who stop to chit-chat in the middle of pedestrian traffic. Move to the side people!

  2. Mel Says:

    people who say excuse me to get past you when you weren’t even in their way!!

  3. FemmeFatale Says:

    I got through!! Venting felt nice :)

  4. Jill Says:

    People who show NO sense of urgency when I am turning and waiting for them to cross the street. Would it kill you to at least look like you give a Shite that I am sitting there waiting for you to cross? like how bout a little skip/run/brisk walk or SOMETHING, no no instead you might as well bust out the chess board and have a game in the middle of the crosswalk. Asshole.

    Josh says: I always speed up a bit if I know someone’s waiting to turn, then when I’m in my car, it sometimes feels like people purposely walk slower.

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