You Have Bad Taste In Music

Audio, Beefs, Edumacation, Music, My Life Add comments

badmusic.jpgI was in a fast food joint over the weekend and my ears were assaulted by the sounds of the Calgary radio station geared towards teenage girls. The scary thing is, I’ve actually heard this music/station in mens’ cars. These men should go to a vet and get neutered. The station also gives out stickers. Got one on your car? You’re advertising your bad taste in music. Here’s the discussion, including a montage of terrible music. (Please be warned that if you have any kind of taste in music, the sounds might hurt your ears):

Bad Music on the Radio

16 Responses to “You Have Bad Taste In Music”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Thank you so much for posting this, Josh! I once worked with a dude in his 20’s that only would listen to that particular station, and would pout every time I had the station on X. It drove me crazy! Most of the music played on that radio station are songs that aren’t even written by the artist, or even based on life experiences. It’s like, “Oh hey, let’s get a catchy beat with some annoying synthesizers and throw a random guy in there that says ‘YEAH!’ twelve thousand times! Who care if it sounds like every other song we’ve produced, as long as the music video is takes place in a night club and there’s half naked women everywhere! We’re gonna be RICH!” Music should be based on emotion, not sex appeal and drum machines.

  2. FemmeFatale Says:

    Sort of kind of relative…

    I was at Mr. Sub not long ago, munching away on my Ham and Turkey Sub, trying to finish writing an article.

    There’s two girls 16 - 17ish, working behind the counter. They were being STUPID loud! Laughing, talking on their cells, etc. I could probably tell you all about one of the girls new boyfriend, to be honest… and I was sitting at the table furthest from the counter :|

    Anyways I’m finishing up my article when suddenly the radio in this joint (on Vibe 98.5) gets cranked up TO, SERIOUSLY, CLUB-WORTHY LOUD. I was going to say something, but I was kind of just in shock… Crappy songs at an uncomfortably loud volume, followed by more crappy songs, followed by Soulja boy. My ears were bleeding. :( One woman got up and left, another two guys that were in line walked out, followed by me. It was disgusting.

    Think I’ll stick to Subway.

  3. KT Says:


    you’re too funny! But it’s so true!

  4. JT Says:

    I shit you not, I saw a douche driving around in a Chevy Cavalier with a huge spoiler on it, tinted windows rolled down, blasting “Neutron Dance” by the Pointer Sisters…now what’s more disturbing, The Pointer sisters, the fact that I knew it was The Pointer Sisters, or that someone thought any Cavalier was worthy of a spoiler.

  5. Ruffneck Says:

    Mr. Holliday, you know as well as I do that sadly this music is not just limited to our city, Everywhere I’ve lived, there is one… one that plays the same old stuff and the next IT rock band, and the cheezy terrible POP Crap. and Sadly when I was a much younger lad I was a purveyor of this as well I used to be a Club Dj, My apologies. Though this did give me an appreciation for may different types of music, I can definately pick out a TURD when it comes along… and between a certain artist that’s Playing Foothills stadium that wouldn’t know Hip hop if Revrend Run Beat him over the head with it, to going to the Back Alley of all places and Having to hear about “the Boots with the Fuuuurrrr” Gimmie a break.
    Your Stations playlist for the most part is A refreshing Shake up in the Calgary scene thank you Mr. Lynch… Hey #2 in the FFWD readers poll tells you who really listens I think… and I like to Laugh when others listen to that station down the dial that has quite changed its playlist since you guys came along. And think that listening to ACDC for the 20th time that day or Buckcherry again is so cool…
    anyhow there’s my rant, you have yourself a good day Josh.
    The Ruffneck!

  6. Iwona Says:

    Sometimes they play stuff like that at Jack’s. It’s all I can do not to rip my hair out/vomit/scream. Argh….

  7. Elise Says:

    While your radio broadcasts may appeal to a broader demographic, blogs like this clearly pin-point your niche market: confused, “rebellious” young people. Your radio station is so much better because it is aimed at both teenage girls AND boys?

    With so much influence over the young people of Calgary, there comes a certain amount of responsibility. Why would you use that power to teach them to diss and humiluate anyone who is different from them?

    Josh says: Our station is geared towards adults with discerning taste in arts and culture. If you saw the statistics, you’d see that very few of our listeners are “confused, ‘rebellious’ young people” but are more typically hard-working, independant-thinking people from all walks of life. My show (and the blog) is all about opinion, and I encourage people to share theirs and think critically. My philosophy on humour/opinion is to never make fun of something a person has no control over (sexual orientation, race, handicap, etc.) but when people make bad choices in arts, dress and life they’re fair game.

  8. Joanne Says:

    To keep it short and simple, music should be a form of expression. To be prejudice about different kinds of music is to be prejudice towards a certain demographic.

    I think that people should be given the freedom to enjoy whatever their ears are drawn to, without having to conform to someone else’s criticism. It is true that at school some may feel that they have to enjoy the same type of music as their friends, but that should not be the case anywhere else (with a few exceptions, but you hopefully get what I mean).

  9. Elise Says:

    While your radio broadcasts may appeal to a broader demographic, blogs like this clearly pin-point your niche market: confused, “rebellious” young people. Your radio station is so much better because it is aimed at both teenage girls AND boys?

    With so much influence over the young people of Calgary, there comes a certain amount of responsibility. Why would you use that power to teach them to diss and humiluate anyone who is different from them?

    Josh says: Our station is geared towards adults with discerning taste in arts and culture. If you saw the statistics, you’d see that very few of our listeners are “confused, ‘rebellious’ young people” but are more typically hard-working, independant-thinking people from all walks of life. My show (and the blog) is all about opinion, and I encourage people to share theirs and think critically. My philosophy on humour/opinion is to never make fun of something a person has no control over (sexual orientation, race, handicap, etc.) but when people make bad choices in arts, dress and life they’re fair game.

    Am I being told that you are Calgary’s new hipster judge(someone whose “discerning taste in culture” led them to a fast food joint)?

    Josh says: I’m not Calgary’s new hipster judge, just a guy who has opinions. It was actually a place called Wrapture. They have delicious wraps (burritos) and smoothies, but on this day music that was distasteful to me.

  10. Craig Says:

    Dude, Wrapture is awesome good. Anyway, Elise, Josh is Calgary’s new hipster judge. You just haven’t realized it yet.

  11. mila Says:

    as great as X 92.9 is, it still plays a ton of mainstream stuff…unless that is what you call alternative music in canada..

    Josh says: It’s a fine line. We are a commercial radio station that relies on getting listeners to get advertisers, but I think in terms of radio, you won’t find a more musically adventurous commercial radio station in Canada.

  12. Josh Holindaise Says:


    It may be mainstream, but not all ‘mainstream’ music is bad either. Radiohead and tool could easily be considered mainstream… so I rest my case.

    The bad mainstream music is the kind that ganstas pump outta there pimp cars yo homie. And that nicklecrap stuff.

    Josh… Why don’t you just ask creepy stalker phone girl to go on a date? Bipolarism and Alchoholism aside, she could be a real looker.

  13. shelby Says:

    this most likely is vibe 98.5
    there music is the worst! i used to listen to it, but then i got good taste in music.

    it’s horrible.

  14. Sean Says:

    My brother listens to bad music REALLY BAD music. How can I break him of this terrible habit? Any help would be great. Yes he listens to the (ick) Vibe. And has an itunes library that would kill a yak. The worst offender I’ve found has been (ick) O-Town. Blah. HELP! Please help me help my brother.

    Josh says: slowly try and introduce him to more interesting music I guess.

  15. Kirk Says:

    Suggestion for X92.9’s free swag department: design some free car stickers that says “Vibe Sucks” and I’ll promise you they’ll fly like hotcakes.

  16. BERTS Says:


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