How are things on the west coast?

Audio, Phonecall, Strange Add comments

west.jpgI was lamenting the fact that I don’t have anyone in Vancouver or L.A. (or any other west coast city) to call up and say in my best Interpol (from Heinrich Maneuvre) voice: “How are things on the west coast?” I decided to randomly call numbers until I got someone. It’s a pizza place on the coast of Southern California:


3 Responses to “How are things on the west coast?”

  1. Mel Says:

    Hey Josh

    Why do you think that west coast thing is so funny?
    I think thats one bad prank call

    Earlier you mentioned in the news a woman who would rather go to jail than kill herself smoking…
    You said cigarettes should be illegal to sell
    I have always that this… and that it should be illegal to sell other addictive products to the public!


    More people die from cigarettes than from car accidents
    Yet so much concern is put onto transit,roads,construction,safety
    But the govt doesnt profit from people driving
    (i guess they do in gas)
    The govt profits from the distribution of a toxic substance that is killing “the nation”

    I think that with more debate this topic will not be taken lightly

    Thanks Josh

    Josh says: Hi Mel. It was actually newsboy who was talking about the cigarette thing, but I sorta agree. I’ll bet Calgary has a higher per-capita smoking population than any other city. Pretty regressive. As for the west coast thing…I never intended it to be clever or hilarious, mostly just a silly thing to try. Much like the show. ;-)

  2. Mel Says:

    Hey Josh
    why do you think Calgary would have a higher smoking population than other cities? We have similar laws? I KNOW calgary has a higher chewing tobbacco population though

    And don’t worry… bad jokes happen :P , besides, your show is awesome! Not like some other “show” that tends to be more obnoxious and repetative than funny. Although, it must be tough to talk and sound interesting for hours, especially live. Thanks for put yourselves out there for public entertainment! Good job guys!

    Oh and thanks for having blogs where regular people can rant and feel like they are being heard

    X929 KICKS ASS
    Later Mel

    Josh says: Hi Mel. My guess about the Calgary thing is based on observation, and on a recent study showing that teen smoking is down everywhere in Canada except Alberta where it’s actually gone UP. Scary!

  3. Mel Says:

    Wow thats weird, i wonder why… maybe it has something to do with the amount of 1. money 2. young adults
    3. party scenes 4. stress in our wonderful city

    i dunno i quit smoking 1 year ago, so frankly i dont care. Survival of the fitest is how i see it!

    Hey im having problems with the xarmy
    Can u help me, or do i have to talk to the tech guy?

    Thanks Mel

    Josh says: e-mail General G ( and she might be able to sort out the army thing.

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