Herald Sunshine Girl

Audio, Funny, My Life, Phonecall, Telemarketing Add comments

newspaper_3.gifThe Calgary Herald still owes me $2.50! There’s a newspaper box at 9th and 17th beside Nellie’s that took my money, but wouldn’t open up. I called the first time when it took my buck, and they said they’d mail it. That was a few months ago. Where’s my damn dollar!!! The next time it happened, I didn’t do anything, except grumble to myself…it was a weekend paper!

A telemarketer for the Herald called the station, and this is what happened:

Herald Call

3 Responses to “Herald Sunshine Girl”

  1. Emma Says:

    tooo funny.

  2. Melissa Says:

    I also hate it when it happens with a vending machine. It’s like a double kick in the ass because you can see your food hanging there in front of you!

    (also what’s the song playing right now?? it’s 3:18. and all i can hear is “sanctuary….”

    Josh says: There’s a comedian who does a great bit about putting money in a machine in a mens room for “Porn O Plenty” and being too embarassed to tell anyone it had taken his money. As for the music, I believe it was a song called “Stiff Kittens” by an AFI side project called Blaqk Audio.

  3. colleen Says:

    That was ridiculous. If i was the girl calling I would be laughing so hard.

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