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Local PanhandlerCalgary has a Panhandler epidemic. And it’s getting worse, because people are giving money to these people. DON’T GIVE MONEY TO PANHANDLERS! By doing so you become part of the problem, not the solution. Listen:

Stop Panhandling

One Response to “Panhandlers”

  1. TVW2008 Says:

    I know personally I always feel bad for not giving - so instead I just avoid making eye contact. That is also not solving anything. I give to social services, women’s shelters, and I volunteer my time with Habitat when the opportunity comes up. The problem is that I know I make a really decent living. But I also know that somehow money is ALWAYS tight because of the cost of living in this city. Granted I have some luxuries that I could pass on, but I work really hard for my money, and deserve to have something to show for it. I shouldn’t feet guilty about not handing it away on the street, but for some reason I still do. I know it’s my conscience; no one should be homeless or have to beg for money in a city where there is SO MUCH wealth… But we need a better solution to the problem, because it’s only continuing to get worse.

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