Hitting on Telemarketers

Audio, Funny, Phonecall, Telemarketing Add comments

telemarketing1.jpgCalgary is a lonely city for a single guy, but sometimes, strtange women will call you out of the blue - I call these women Telemarketers. Recently I received two calls from different ends of the age spectrum. Listen:

Silver Fox

Young Hottie

2 Responses to “Hitting on Telemarketers”

  1. KELSO Says:

    I heard the one with the younger girl, I think its hilarious. Did you end up telling her you work for a radio station? That would have quelched my fears if I was a Telemarketer…However I would never stoop to such a level. (I HATE TELEMARKETERS, dont see why they have a job, its a useless proffession)

  2. Patrick Says:

    The one with the younger girl… that’s pretty amazing, haha. Did you actually end up going on a date with her, or what?

    Josh says: haha no. It never works out.

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