Stalker Returns

Audio, Phonecall, Stalker Add comments

It had been awhile since she called, but my biggest fan called again while I was on vacation and got Lynch when he was filling in for me: Stalker Lynch

Then when I got back, this call came in: Stalker Vacation

6 Responses to “Stalker Returns”

  1. Emma Says:

    Tooo funny…. does she phone in once a day or once a week???!!! Keep posting these…this chick is unbelievable!! hahahahahhahaaaaaaa

  2. Sean Says:

    I never knew there were people that were this ummm… confused?

  3. Amy Says:

    haha… um .. wow?

  4. Jamie Says:

    Is this chick for real? Evertime I hear it, I can’t help but wonder if this something you guys are making up. If so, hilarious, if not hilarious but creepy!

  5. Sarah Says:

    I just had a listen…is she for real??? Oh my goodness, I would be very afraid!

  6. Phil Says:

    Josh…holy hell man!
    How do you not burst out into laughter? I listen to your show pretty often and have heard a bunch of these calls…wow! Do you think she hears herself on air and thinks…”Jesus! I sound like a lunatic”?

    Josh says: I sometimes wonder if she hears them too. She keeps calling though, so I play along.

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