Return of the Stalker

Audio, Funny, Phonecall, Stalker, Strange Add comments

It’s been a few months since I’ve heard from my biggest fan. After her last call, she just kind of disappeared. Well, yesterday she called out of the blue, and explained where she’d been. It was a long call, so I’ve broken it into two parts. Listen:

Stalker September 5th #1

Stalker September 5th #2 

4 Responses to “Return of the Stalker”

  1. Me Says:

    The 1st link needs to be “X Stuff” not “X_Stuff”

    Josh says: Thanks! Fixed….I think.

  2. Kirk Says:

    I think this gal should just get her ass over to the studio and get it over with. You at least have a pane of glass for protection if by chance she goes over the top.

    Show yourself Miss Stalker! Let’s see what you look like!
    I wanna see if you’re hot!

  3. Jeremy Says:

    hey josh, what happens if your stalker shows up at the studio and is a total babe what would you do? would you ask her on a date?

    if you ever run into her try and get a picture so we can see if she’s hot or not

    although she does have a weird way of trying to make you jealous by calling you saying how many guys she has slept with… good thing she doesn’t know where you live lol, if she did she would be waiting with freshly baked cookies YUM!

    Josh says: She’s said in the past, she looks like Gene Wilder, but I do enjoy cookies!

  4. Tony Says:

    I agree you have to meet this girl. I think you need to have a contest around the meeting.

    Be Joshs’ Third / Fourth Wheel.

    “Thats right folks you can win the chance to join Josh, Stalker, and and Armed Peace Officer”

    Think about it, I want in:)

    Josh says: Haha. I’ll need someone strong, in case it goes wrong.

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