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Josh’s Big Box O CDs starts the week with something from Flaming Lips. Lately TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy and The O.C. and movies like Garden State have been responsible for boosting the visibility of many artists who were previously flying under the radar. The Shins, Snow Patrol, Death Cab For Cutie, Peter Bjorn and John are just a handful. The woman who picked the music for the two television shows recently signed a record deal to find and develop artists. Well, back in the 90s there was a little television show called Beverly Hills 90210, which featured a band playing in local hangout The Peach Pit. It was The Flaming Lips and their song She Don’t Use Jelly. It became a bit of a sensation for the band. They’ve been making consistently interesting music before and after, but this was their mainstream break. If you ever get the chance to see them live - do it. Lead guy Wayne Coyne is a master showman, and being in the audience is a surreal experience. If you can’t see them live, there’s a new live DVD coming soon. Filmed at a zoo in Oklahoma, it’s called UFOs at the Zoo.

Bathroom Etiquette

My Life, Strange 3 Comments »

bearurinal.jpgIf using the stall for a sit down, don’t use a stall right next to someone, and for the urinals this game is a helpful primer:

The Urinal Game

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